[QOTW] One Easy Trick! [QOTW 5/24/16]

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Tue May 24 23:22:15 EDT 2016

I thought this QOTW email chain was stupid, but what happened next 
changed everything!  Doctors hate Deneb Robinson Scott, Ph.D for 
revealing this one weird trick for weight loss, your mortgage, your 
home’s equity, your old high school yearbooks, your social life.  You 
won’t believe what embarrassing thing Mr. Wharton said at recess last 

This one weird winner blew my mind!  Congratulations, you will receive 
the one weird trick to predicting the future in 5-7 business 
days.(Fortune tellers will hate you!!!)

"It was like Steve Curry dropping a three pointer" 4
-Billy "Fellow Kids" Wharton

"Brutus yelled, 'nerd!!' then Caesar got tagged in the back like 27 
times. Caesar was a straight thug."4
- Omari

Keep reading! You won’t believe the number of times the teachers are 
most likely mis-quoted! #mindblowing #qotw #blowminding #quoteoftheweek 
#teachers #being #mis-quoted #Letarte #Letarté #oneeasytrick 
#twoeasytricks #threeeasytricks #doctorshatehim #theirshateshim 
#financialadvisorshatehim #everybodyhateshim #cantpeoplebenicetohim 

Noah:  "Did you just dress-code me?"
Ms. Grant:  "No, I mommed you."

"If I say anything now I'm probably going to be quoted, so I won't say 
- Mr. Letarte

(Larry walks by Dawson's computer.)
Larry: "Are you watching porn?"
Dawson: "I'm doing my Spanish homework."
Larry: "That's awfully close."
Dawson: "I don't know what kind of porn you've been watching."

I wish somebody would cut my nails when I'm asleep.
-Mr. Kerner

"If you become the dictator of the world, I'm going to claim it wasn't 
my fault"
-Ms. Burke, to Noah about creating atomic bombs.

"Losers don't go to Hancock"
-Billy "The Donald" Wharton

"Do the words 'sudden and violent bowel movement' mean anything to you?"
-John Khaw explaining why he was late to English

"It's okay, I have health insurance!"
-Jordan, leaning out the window

Charlie: My life is actually just a series of doing ironic things making 
fun of myself.
Noah: I also make fun of you all the time, so we have that in common.

Ms. Burke: "Kevin wants to know why you're here."
Mr. Clifford, sitting in on a nuclear chemistry class: "Because I want 
to blow shit up."

Please don’t forget to submit and vote!
-Deneb “life-changing” Scott

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