[QOTW] Make QOTW At Least Mediocre Again [4/19/16]

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Tue Apr 19 22:17:07 EDT 2016

Some people ask me, "you know, how do you, Deneb R. Scott, get all of 
the most quality quotes around?" and to that I say: Look.  We're trying 
to bring the QOTW dream back again.  "What even is the QOTW dream?" they 
ask me.  Well, I say... well first of all these quotes are some of my 
favorite quotes... the best quotes I love these quotes.  These quotes 
are what make email lists things like this great.  Except for the quotes 
that freshmen send in, now THOSE aren't what build up QOTW.  Some, I 
assume are good quotes.  Now let's get to the best quote of last week, 
personally endorsed by me, Deneb R. Scott.

There are two winners this week, each with 3 votes each.  Both winners 
will receive official "Make QOTW at least mediocre again" hats signed by 
Deneb and Gmo

"You guys are like little woodland creatures who run around meadows, 
picking up the low-hanging fruit."
-Mr. Clifford on High Schoolers

Alexis: God listens to me.
Rosie: Yeah, but he listens to you like a grandma listens when she 
doesn't have her hearing aid in.

Now to this week's quotes.

"I fondle every nose!"
~Emma Daly, angrily

"I can't believe homestuck is ending. I always thought it'd be one of 
those things that goes on forever, like global warming and racism."
-Nina W

"I gave my mom a piggyback ride once. It was really weird."

Anay: Hey Sam maybe you have a waffle fetish
Sam: I don't have a waffle fetish they just make me...uhh...*leaves*

"Everything is easier than my tests." - Mr. Letarte

Lee: What has gotten into you today, Matt?
Matt H: More like what hasn't...!

"It's not Red Bull, it's Arizona!  It's tea!  I'm healthy!"
-John Glynn

"You guys probably don't remember this.  I'm old."
-Mr. Rios

"I've been realizing lately that I go through life completely oblivious 
to the events around me.. but it might just be that I'm really blind"

Wesley: Don't you DARE assassinate John F. Kennedy!
Bridget: *rolls eyes* That's been done before. It's so 1963.

PSA: Check in with the person to make sure it's okay to submit a quote; 
I've been receiving some complaints about misquoting and quotes that the 
quotee didn't want submitted.

-Deneb "Haven't set myself on fire yet" Scott

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