[QOTW] Urgent! (10/14/14)

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Tue Oct 14 21:13:53 EDT 2014

Hello, my fellow americans. Today we bring to you this special news 
report. 10 rogue quotes have been found wandering the halls of the 
commonwealth building. They have brought happiness and joy to the 
school, and their tyranny and hilarity must be exposed to the public. 
But first, last week's quote:

Matt H.: Are there programming languages in other languages, like Java 
in Spanish?
Reid: It's pronounced 'HA-va.'

And this week's perpetrators:

"The worst that can happen is a total disaster." -Mr. Barsi

Ms. Budding: People were literally bringing their beds outside and 
sleeping int he cold Russian winter to be first in line for bread.
Buzz: Like with the iPhone 6?

Maria: I have the chorale warmup song in my head.
Ms. Jackman: I have Alison by Elvis Costello in my head.
Tamjid: I have an apple in my pocket.

"Jesus is the biggest Mary Sue you'll ever get." (look it up)

"[After that, the oxygen] makes like a tree and leaves."
--Mr. Clifford, on photosynthesis

Mr. Conolly: What are the two things you need for a clause?
Noah: Reindeer and a sleigh.

Halima (on a Hemingway character): I think he's broken.
Chessy: He's not broken, just bent.
Ms Tyson: Ohhh lord.
Ellie: It's not Lorde, it's Pink

"Stay in drugs and don't do school"

"Devon is a very effective center bench"

This concludes our broadcast, stay tuned for more local news that no one 
watches at 8.
Pher "I have a bike" Gleason

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