[QOTW] It's that October thing. (QOTW 10/06/14)

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Mon Oct 6 18:46:58 EDT 2014

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Staring at the computer! Yeah, I'm talking to you! 
Are you tired of sitting at the seat, bored, checking your email for all 
of those actually important messages? Are you tired of hearing inside 
jokes that you'll never understand? Well, now your troubles are over, 
thanks to last week's winning quote!

"Why does good hair happen to bad people?"
-Noah P.

You can get this amazing ten-dollar quote for only $19.99! But WAIT! 
There's more! Call the number on the screen and you can get these quotes 
for FREE!

Itamar: Was somebody crying?
Elise: No, Shyam was singing.

G.Mo: It's a book called Caesar, what'd you expect?
Sajal: Salad.

Matt H.: Are there programming languages in other languages, like Java 
in Spanish?
Reid: It's pronounced 'HA-va.'

"I will tell you right now, Purell does not taste like chicken."

Ofelia: I've lost my soul.
Rafael: Put a GPS tracker on it. That's what I did with mine. It says 
it's somewhere in the Philippines but I'm too lazy to go and look.

"It was working until it broke."
-Lucius Malfoy

Jackie: We did well even though it was against The Learning Center which 
is one of the weaker teams.
Julia W.: They're right over there!
Jackie: They're deaf, they can't hear me.

Randy: Caleb, do you know what a matterhorn is?
Caleb: Yeah, I was using one when I got arrested.

Michael M.: It's Italian.
Robbie L.: What?
Michael M.: The Canadian thing. It's Italian.

Anna M.: You are not allowed to go trick or treating after you're 18.
Fiona: But then what do I do between the years I can't trick or treat 
and the years I can't legally drink?

That's right! All ten quotes, completely free! All for only $19.99! Call 

-G.Mo "Must-be-18-or-older-to-order" Kang

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