[QOTW] Mastering the Art of French Quoting

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Wed Dec 10 21:41:37 EST 2014


(Read following in humorous falsetto.)

Weclome. I'm Julia Child. Today, we're going to be making some holiday
quotes, or "la citation de fête." All you need to make holiday quotes is
a hot fire, and, you need a bowl... and you need some butter and a sense
of humor. First, I'm going to try - try to write last week's winner here
now, which is a rather daring thing to do. When you quote anything, you
really... you just have to have the courage of your convictions,
particularly if it's sort of a tough audience like this...

Deneb: Did anyone else see that?
Ms. Tompsett: Yeah, the lights in here sometimes flicker.
Noah Poah: I'm pretty sure it happens every time the Academic Dishonesty
Committee electrocutes another student.

Noah Poah? Well, that didn't go very well. See when I quoted them, I
didn't... have the courage to do it, the way I should've. But you can
always pick it up, and if you're alone in the classroom, whoooo is going
to see? Now, we're going to be revealing this week's quotes... 

Shyam: I use my hat to hide my terrible haircut.
Allison: (gestures at Shyam's face) This is not the haircut.

"Girl, are you a Letarte test? Because I wanna take you home."

-Ellie L. (Now, you want to make sure you cite Pher, which in French is
"a la Pher.")

Ms. Haber: Did you ever read the Moomin stories when you were little?
Allison: No.
Ms. Haber: Oh, no wonder you're so bitter and angry!

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'flirting with danger?' It's not like
you're going up and saying, 'Hey, danger, how're you doing?'
-Ms. Tyson

Ms. Tarnoff: So, what kinds of exercise aren't aerobic?
Kevin: Anaerobic.
Ms. Tarnoff: Okay...so what's an example?
Class: Fermentation!

"You know that thing you do? Where you open your mouth and words come
out? Don't do that."
-Ari (to G.Mo)

"I wrote in my notes 'plead with the students.'"
-Mr. Letarte

"Larry told me that you made all boys cut their hair short. Why?"
-Dawson to Mr. Merril

"Ignore him; he just likes to talk and say nothing."
-Mr. Sherry (about G.Mo)

"Living to 100 has never been one of my chief objectives. 100 seems
-Mr. Merril

Now, when you're reading this, you should always... saaave the quotes,
they make a fine stock for humor, or you could vote for.... the winner,
and fry it up with some onions, for a little snack... And that's it! Bon
Appetit! This is Julia Child.

G.Mo "I don't talk THAT much" Kang
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