[QOTW] Quote of the week, December 25, 2006

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Thu Dec 28 13:23:26 EST 2006

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry this is so late- I had lots of funny quotes, and then lost them.
It's terrible. And I'd like to explain something. If, say, one wanted to
submit a quote, one could always send an email to qotw at qotw.net ,  and
then that week's quoter would be very happy to put the quote in the email.
That way, QOTW is easier for the quoter, and people actually can submit
their quotes. That being said, the winner of last week was Ben Horn, for
his quote on 'Beauty and the Beast,' "The British woman turns into a
teapot because she's British, and the Frenchman turns into a candlestick
because he's horny."

The quotes this week are:

"You know, if I were Catholic, I think I'd make a good Catholic priest."

"Oh, we are totally ready for corruption."
-Danny Moraff

"Holiday decorating fine."
-Amherst College Physical Plant

"You're both going to take over the world using corporate design."
-Jenny, on why Greta and Tili were made senior-freshman buddies

"I feel much better now that I yelled at those people on the train."
-Catie Blunt (there was a story behind it)

"I have your name in my pocket...I feel sketchy."

"This thing is ruining my life"
- Max Cohen's history lecturerrefering to his cell phone which just went
off. He then proceeded to roll up his phone in his jacket, walk to the
door, open it, and toss the jacket (phone and all) into the hall, close
the door, then continued lecturing now that we could no longer hear it

"Which color silk underwear would you like Santa to bring you?"
-Ellen Aronson, to her daughter

"He was the General of the Revolution. I mean, he was like Papa Smurf."
-Ms. Rome, on (I think) George Washington

"Though you think of me as your teacher, I'm actually your slave."
-Mr. Conolly

Sarah "Awesome" Gulick

Remember to vote!

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