[QOTW] Welcome Back!

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Sun Apr 5 15:16:20 EDT 2020

This week’s theme is “sorry, I don’t have a theme for you”. This 
tried-and-true email theme has a long and illustrious history, 
stretching from the very first week of QOTW to right now. This 
definitely has nothing to do with me spending too much time learning how 
to use the new website. First off, last week’s winner was: “I am 
completely fine with my narrow-minded, Cartesian worldview” —Mr. Perez 
on the “deadly disease” of magical realism

Here are the quotes from last week and the preceding weeks when we 
didn’t send out emails because of March break:

1. “I believe I have some sort of vague remembrance of someone asking me 
something to do with some kind of requiz — see me after recess.” —Mr. 

2. “Be a real man: pathetic and photosynthetic.” —Dina

3. Lawrence: “Sid, I’m leaving”
Sid: “Hi, leaving! I’m dad”
Lawrence: *leaves*

4. Dina: “If I got a nose ring, it would be a small, tasteful stud.”
Milo: “A small, tasteful stud? Like Chris?”

5. Mrs. Mathur: “You didn’t reduce your fraction.”
Sienna Mathur, without pause: “I’m not ashamed.”

6. “You are beating around the bush of correct” —Mr. Paul

7. “I’m happy to teach as many Alex Dings as care to show up.” —Mr. 
Letarte on the number of Alex Dings in the virtual classroom

8. “I’m confused, are we being recruited to make face masks or dental 
dams?” —Milo, during a confusing conversation

9. “Hay—I guess it’s like horse cocaine. I mean, it’s like what horses 
want. Don’t do cocaine, guys, by the way.” —Mr. Kerner

10. “I will break you.” —Mr. Wharton during Lethics to the whole class

Finally, some brief housekeeping notes, mostly relating to the new 
- Please vote on this and future sets of quotes by going to 
- Apologies if you get this email twice, we’re still figuring out how 
everything works and we want to make sure everyone who wants this email 
gets this email. If you did in fact receive two copies of this email, 
you can go to https://lists.qotw.net/mailman//options/quoteoftheweek to 
unsubscribe from the old mailing list.
- We’re probably going to keep using this address (qotw at qotw.net) to 
send the weekly emails and not the one I mentioned in the other email 
(the Gmail one) so please send feedback and account requests to *this* 
email address.
- Despite ongoing world events, QOTW will continue publishing on our 
regular weekly schedule — as long as you keep submitting quotes by going 
to qotw.net and clicking “New Quote”.

—Wilder “Quarantine of the Week” Perkins

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