[QOTW] Quote of the Week, May 1st

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Sun May 1 03:17:27 EDT 2011


Hello, dear readers! I kind of love you all right now. Well, that's
not really true -- I particularly 
love the one of you who submitted
five things about eleven hours ago. You life-saving subscriber,

Last week's winner was Jay R.! He exclaimed, upon witnessing
freshman affection outside the library, 
"Not THAT kind of Mind and Body
workshop!" Congratulations, Jay.

This week's options (including one
anonymous one, because we don't have enough submissions not to use

"I want to do Mr. Davis! Wait, no, no, that sounded really wrong,
didn't it... I translate these things in 
my head, and then I hear them
and they sound bad! I want to take Mr. Davis' class..."
- Mónica

feel like if Spongebob was made up of two rectangles instead of just
one, he'd look slightly more human. 
And maybe this becomes more true
with each iteration of the rectangle that is Spongebob. It's almost like

people are just Spongebob of n=infinity sponges. Boom! I just invented
fractal geometry or something."
- submitted without a name, bizarrely...
if you said this or know who said it, please let us know?

"Can you
believe that the teachers are having conferences about the seniors
slacking off? I mean, who has 
been, besides Josh?"
- Talia (L., I

"That was SO FUN! You know how the sink in the bathroom is so
low? Well, I was washing my hands and 
pretending I was a giant! I was
like, whoooowhooo ..."
- Eva B.

"[I'm reading] this French book about a
whorehouse.. but when these guys get there it's closed! I'm in the

suspenseful part right now."
- Aurelie

"I could literally get any kind
of carcass I wanted?"
- Kai N., after discovering that science teachers
can easily order carcasses to dissect

"Have you ever noticed that
coffee smells like body odor?"
- Caleb W.

"Oh, please - you could write
The West Wing in your sleep!"
- the blasphemous Ms. Haber

"He was
trying to make something else but instead he made LSD. Then he didn't
wash his hands and ate a 
sandwich. And on his way home he started
having these bizarre hallucinations and came into work the next day 
said, 'Hmm, that was interesting, I think I'll eat some more!'"
- Ms.
Hall, on the accidental discovery of LSD

Please vote! We like it when
you vote. It's a lovely little democratic thing we've got going
Instructions at http://www.qotw.net/voting.php

Please do submit.
This thing's success really does rest on you all sending stuff in once
in a while, and we 
have this lovely little handy submission tool right
here: http://www.qotw.net/submit.php

If you aren't already signed up
for the Honorable Mentions email, you can subscribe by sending a message
honorablementions-subscribe at qotw.net. I swear we'll send an
Honorable Mentions email one of these days. 
Perhaps when we actually
get enough submissions (hint, hint).

Enjoy, vote, submit, etc.
- Asa
"away wi' ye, William Miller" Goodwillie 
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