[QOTW] Quote Of The Week, March 14

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Sun Mar 14 03:14:41 EDT 2010

I hesitate to say this, seeing as last time I did you all got
complacent and decided to stop being helpful, but we seem to have a
comfortably sufficient amount of quotations this week. Well done, and
Now keep up the good work: http://www.qotw.net/submit.php

week's winner was one Mario Alvarez for this exemplary piece of literary
criticism: "The more we read of Paradise Lost, the more it just feels like
fan fiction."
English 12 is sounding like all sorts of fun right
about now, isn't it?

This week's quotes:

"I never thought I'd say this,
but there are way too many girls in my room."
-Josh Nadel at the Inspector
General cast party

"Now, we have to think about emergency situations. If
we lose Norton, which I know will happen, what should we do?"

"Solo leí El Viejo y el Mar [tran.: "I only read The Old Man and the
Sea], and I was like 'Kill the freakin' fish!' It's just a fish! I don't
get it..."
-Mónica on why she doesn't like Hemingway

"Oh, like a
-Mr Davis, in response to "I have a song stuck in my head"

ankles are bare! In case you hadn't noticed."
-Ms. Dale to Mr. Vollrath, as
they walked to their respective trains- context unknown

"No, that's a
-Marielle on the idea of a Christian not accepting the divinity of

"If you ever want to touch me again, don't open a book to the
-Tili to Russell, on spoilers

"This isn't national security we're
talking about here-- this is national penis size!"
-Ms. Haber on the effect
of war on America

"I hate editing. It's like eating your
-Hannah K-H on editing short stories

"I want to be a mechanic
_and_ a ballerina."
-Caleb Weinreb

There you go! Read them, re-read them,
blow them up and print them out and cut them up and make surrealist art out
of them- the possibilities are endless, and it's up to you, as long as you
remember to vote by replying to this email with your top few choices in
ranked order. For more detailed instructions (and they're worth reading- it
makes it much easier to tally the votes at the end of the week if you vote
properly, and a couple of you still haven't got the hang of this), go to

Every few weeks, if enough extra
submissions have built up, we send out an Honorable Mentions email full of
the not-quite-funny-enough-to-make-the-regular-email stuff; if you haven't
already, sign up by sending an email to
honorablementions-subscribe at qotw.net [1].

Voting ends at 5:00 PM Friday-
submissions are welcome up until the far-too-late-Saturday-night last
See you next week.
-Asa "praying that this whole vacation thing
doesn't mean that no one's going to submit" Goodwillie

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