[QOTW] Quote of the Week, September 18, 2009

qotw at qotw.net qotw at qotw.net
Fri Sep 18 23:35:29 EDT 2009

Advance warning: This note is long. If you want to get right to the winner
and quotes, feel free to do so. I won't be offended. Actually, I lie. I
will. And, believe me, I have ways of telling if you've skipped parts of
this note...

Friends, Countrymen, Romans, Countrymen, Lovers (not necessarily in that
particular order):

A new school year brings with it a certain nostalgia for what has gone by,
as well as a wide-eyed, enraptured expectation of what is to come. It is
in this spirit that I put forth the first message of this year for which
this year's regular QOTW staff is to be held responsible (namely, me and
Gautam Mohan.) Best regards, all, for a happy year; to paraphrase Mr.
Wharton's address to the school last year, I hope you all fail.

(WINNER:) This week's winner is Allie Rosenthal who, as you may recall, said,
"At first, I didn't realize that Shrek spoke with a Scottish accent.  I
just thought it was a Shrek accent.  Then I met a Scottish person, and I
was like, 'Why are you talking like Shrek?'  And he was really

However, only something like five of you voted, very few of whom were
current Commies. QOTW will begin advertising around the school in an
attempt to remedy this; but if you're a longtime subscriber who hasn't
voted, QOTW NEEDS YOU! If you don't vote I think there's a rule that says
I get to choose the week's winner. You don't want that.

(QUOTES:) Below are the week's quotes, for your pleasure and perusal.
There were, sadly, very few nominations.

"Well, it's not like, 'And God saw this was really crappy, and so he made
a lot more
of it.'"
-Emma S, on Genesis making sense

"My door is always open... but please- make sure before you enter that I'm
engaged in any embarrassing activities."
-Mr. Wharton

"Okay so what's your least favorite word in the dictionary? I think mine's
It's just so...buh-ook" -Danny Makholm

Finally, since many of you have asked or wondered. THE LEEK HAS INDEED
RISEN AGAIN. Currently I am its (only) editor. As usual, submit funny
writing, "artwork," and other such things to finallysubmitting at gmail.com.

Forgive me for the length of this letter; I'm still getting the hang of
the whole wit/wordiness ratio thing. As I write I fear it's approaching
zero very quickly.

Lukewarm Regards,
 Mario "$20 is still too much to pay for an operating system" Alvarez.

Post-Script (not the printer-driver kind though): Whoever sent out last
week's QOTW letter deserves various accolades and medals of honor. If at
some point you make yourself known to me, I will be able to thank you
properly. Seriously, though, you saved our butts.

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