[QOTW] QOTW for the Week of November 16 (and also the Week of November 23), 2008

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Fri Nov 28 22:24:59 EST 2008

This is incredibly late. About a week late. Sorry. These weeks were  
rather frightening ones. So frightening in fact, that I'm going to  
suggest to you all that you sign up for honorable mentions! Go to the  
qotw.net site, and there should be a link to subscribe to that as  
well. Too many funny things were said to include them all here, and I  
think HM needs a good kick in the behind to get it started again. With  
that all out of the way, last week's winner was... Ian Strickman! He  
said "I called your bluff. I was like 'Yo, Bluff, how's it going? And  
your Bluff was like 'What are you wearing?' So I hung up on him." And  
now, our feature presentation:

"I don't think we can afford in this class to have an interruption every
time Danny says something stupid"
  --Mr. Sherry (on Danny Moraff)

"This is why we want to keep moving forward: angel sex!"
-Ms. Dale, about Paradise Lost

"Russell doesn't do homework.  He has a factory of monkeys.  He comes  
to school and he's all, 'Workers' rights!' but at home he's whipping  
his homework monkeys."
-Mr. Paul

"This class reminds me of how I got fired from my previous job. There  
was a short play written, featuring a girl with elk horns, riding  
piggyback on a boy on roller skates who was holding a shotgun. We  
performed it, and the head of the department walked by the open door,  
and I knew at that moment that this was not good."
-Mr. Davis

"Well someone's hooked on phonics."
-Stuart after someone declared that his shirt said "Boston"

"Oh yeah, that's right, 'cause you didn't watch TV or, y'know, have a  
-Ian Strickman to Joe Taff

"There is no ketchup because I drank it all! I am a ketchup vampire!"
-Nina Blass

"So the Vikings are sailing up the Seine to raid Paris and steal all  
the croissants or something."
-Ms. Grant

"If Eli were to wear a sign saying 'I'm French' people would say 'ok.'  
But if I did, they'd say 'yeah, right...'"
-Josh on looking French

"Fear my plastic boobs of death!"
-Kate Potter on chest protectors making hugs painful

So that's all I have here. Remember to vote on these quotes by using  
the website or emailing this address with your top choices in order.  
Submit, too! I love getting submissions because it makes my job easier  
and funner (funner is a word now. Trust me). This is really late, and  
I'm sorry for that. To make up, wait for an honorable mentions email  
because my little brain has devised a system which I predict will  
work. Don't expect a QOTW tomorrow, but do expect (only to those  
signed up for HM, of course) an HM email.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Dan "Don't Have a Cow, Have a Turkey" Fries
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