[QOTW] Quote of the Week, Monday, October 8, 2007

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Mon Oct 8 16:03:13 EDT 2007

Hey everyone,
Don't ask. It won't happen again. Instead, I bring you the special QOTW
edition, with 15 quotes. It's like
But the winner this week is Ben's mormon, with the quote "The Mormon bible
is like your mother's cooking, which I'm sure is excellent. It's so good
that you only take one bite and you're sold."

And the quotes this week are...

"I am an atheistic, humanistic, socialistic, communistic, narcissistic,
capitalistic Jew."
- Danny Moraff

"This is the meat of the course, or the tofu of the course for the
vegetarians in the room."
-Melissa Murphy, Bryn Mawr antrho professor

"You know how at dinner parties you're not supposed to bring up religion,
politics, or money? During the English Civil War, they brought up all
-Ms. Budding

"In the animal kingdom, there is only one hybrid between two animals, and
that is a mule. In physics, there is no hybrid. You cannot take the dot
product of a vector and a scalar!"
-Mr. Riahi

"Raspberry sauce looks the same as blood on ice cream. I figured this out
in a perfectly normal way."
-Kate Potter

"David Hasselhoof doesn't have microwave hands, he has nose lasers."
-Mario Alvarez

"The worst part is when I realize that all my emotions are from movies
from the 80's."
-Ben Pokross

"There were lots of scantily clad women dancing around on stage- I just
didn't see the point."
-Michael Behr, describing the plot of a science fiction movie

"It's not a prediction, it's a fanfic."
-Tili, on her ideas on what would happen if present day Commonwealth
students had lived in the 50's.

"I need a broader point- death!"
-Julea V, on English papers.

And a bonus one, since I don't usually quote myself...

"I love Henry VIII." -Sarah G.
"So did lots of people." -Danny M.

There will be another one of these next week.
Remember to vote!
-Sarah Gulick "VIII"

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