[QOTW] Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun May 1 21:15:14 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,
This is, sadly, out a few hours after it's supposed to be, since I had a
debate this morning, and was too lazy to do it last night.  I'm also
trying desperatly to be funny, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Well.
I'll start out by saying that Mr. Wharton's quote, explaining the probable
habits of next years Freshman class, won- "What will happen will be this
large class moving through the school, the way I see it, like a rat moves
through a snake.”
So, at the very least I'd like to use this paragraph to comgratulate the
two current Freshmen who are (probably-they say they're going to, at
least) making the best decision of their lives and taking Latin next
year... Nick Pittman and Clara Scheinmann!  No, of course I'm not using
the power of group emails to promote my own agenda.  If I was going to
take advantage of Quote of the Week, it would at least require payment.* 
In any case, to get these quotes, I've worked long and hard, enduring Ben
Orlin coming up to me whenever he saw me, saying "Keep writing down
quotes, keep writing down quotes. " (It sounds okay, but trust me, it's
scary.)  So, the quotes this week are...

"That sucks, because then you have to write papers in the dark."
-Devon Cole, on hearing that some boarding schools require the lights out
by 11 PM.

"Bueller's like- who's the guy you leave the chair out for?- Elijah."
-Janetta Stringfellow, on calling on [Ferris] Bueller in Latin class.

"I don't buy the argument that being evil makes the world a better place."
-Josh Haselkorn

"It's the Springfield of the ancient world!"
-Ms. Rome, on Alexandria

"The best thing about cement trucks is that there are so many ways they
can kill you."
-Julian Hyde

"Your thighs are thin too, except their strong. Mine are like jello and
yours are like...trees!"
-Evan, as she and Micheline poked each other's thighs.

"You know what College Board is? They're trolls under the bridge to success."
-Harry Alper

"'If you do not know your social security number, do not guess.' And if you
want to know about aberrations of human behavior, read an instruction
sheet." -Mr.
Davis, reading instructions for AP registration

"It wouldn't be slimming."
-Rachel Pavia, on the idea of humans having a kangaroo pouch.

"Prostitution is a totally respectable business."

I think I'm supposed to remind you to vote by 5 PM on Saturday, by sending
some form somewhere.  So, uh, do that.


Sarah "the Freshman" Gulick

*Leave a message on the board for Anne Smith

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