[QOTW] Honorable Mentions

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun May 8 16:04:32 EDT 2005

These aren't that funny. Does anyone actually read this anyway?
Well for those who hypothetically do here they are, this weeks
Honorable Mentions:

"Regardless of what you do in life, there's one thing that education is
always good for: understanding more jokes." -Julian Hyde

"There are a lot of things that were popular in the seventies that aren't
popular anymore.  The seventies, for example." -Ben Miller

'Garrison, we can see up your skirt.'
Laura McCoy

'Oh, no. He's putting his hands down his trousers again.'
Andrea, on Harry Alper

"Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to suffering.
That's kind of how I feel about abstract Algebra right now." -Alex George

"That looks like 'rage against the washing machine' "
Becky Lis, on Poulods very bleach stained "Rage Against the Machine" T-shirt

"I don't think I'd like to molest children, personally.  They're small;
it'd be kind of weird." -Roswell Thomas

"If you're rich enough to put diamonds up your ass, you're pretty rich."
-Liz, on diamond-studded thongs

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