[QOTW] QOTW honorable mentions, April 17th, 2005

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun Apr 17 09:55:31 EDT 2005

mmmmm... more quotes.....

"So I guess debate is just one slow march to the grave." - David
Kimmel, in his senior speech

"There was a lot of hubris on the part of teams that were not us." -
Aviva, on quarter finals at debate Nationals

 “I have a low castration tolerance.”- Wesley Morgan

“Blessed are the Leek, for they shall inherit the earth.”- Julian K. Hyde

“Becca Thal is 18, but has still not bought me a firearm.”- Wesley Morgan

“Cigarettes no, porn yes.”- Wesley Morgan, on the benefits of majority.

“My mother brought home the manifesto for Unitarian Jihad.”- Joanna Rifkin

“Sometime next week there will be a bakesale for the investment club, so
that we have something to invest.”- Wesley Morgan

“Cameron said its just like cocaine, and I said ‘but cheaper’” –Dewey,
referring to her crossword addiction

“Now you can go to dirty movies—but don’t!”- Mr. Wharton

“Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to eliminate the estate tax,
or the Paris Hilton tax as it is called.”- Alan Wolfe

“Tom DeLay apologizing is unprecedented”- Alan Wolfe

“Dear Principal
”- Letter to Mr. Wharton

“Remember, next week goes Tuesday-Monday-Thursday-Friday.”- Mr. Wharton

“Who the hell runs this school?”- Beccathal, after hearing the above quote

 “I want to be Suzanne. Just a few genetic switches, and I could be, yet I
am not.”- Beccathal

“Their child’s hyphenated last name would be the most Jewish thing ever!”-
Beccathal, on the idea of Masha Shpolberg marrying Jonathan Kominsky

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