[QOTW] Honorable Mentions, November 7 2004

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun Nov 7 09:03:06 EST 2004

It's a bit of a skimpy week, but for those of you who just can't get enough:

"It's okay, it's a small town -- you don't get run over here." - Kate, on
"Republicans who go out in the rain will melt." - Becca, on the weather's
potential effects on election day turnout
"Here's what college is like:  your roommate cuts your hair at 3 in the
morning, you to to bed at 4, wake up again at 8, and go back to your old
high school at 10.  Well, maybe it's not like that every day." - Julia
"I think, in retrospect, he was gay.  He did have an Easy-Bake oven --
multiple Easy-Bake ovens, in fact." - Josh, on a sixth-grade classmate
"There's only one of him, and there's not much left." - Mr. Davis,
plugging Mr. Merrill's assembly appearance.  His topic was death.
"So [Kuwaiti polygamist tradition] is a little like rolling college
admissions?" - Liz
"Go Sox!  What curse?  Free soda!" - gas station in Northampton, MA
"After losing to the Red sox and Johnny Damon, George Steinbrenner
commanded reliever Paul Quantrill to gain 150 pounds and practice sitting
in a lotus position." - Ben Miller, on the Yankees' countering the Son of
God Leadoff Hitter with the Buddha Out of the Bullpen

- Becca "parasitic urchin" Thal

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