[QOTW] Quote of the Week, January 23

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Mon Jan 23 20:16:09 EST 2012

Dear Subscribers.

    Apologies for sending this one day late, but with the help of my 
trusted aide-de-camp I garnered two more quotes to the submissions and 
thus turned a let down into an extravaganza! Well, not really. And 
here's when I urge you to submit! Please do! Quote of the week thrives 
on your cooperation!

Last week's winner was Ms. Budding as she summarized the battle of 
"Basically, the Spartans were doing exactly what the Spartans were 
supposed to do -- stand around and die."

Here is this week's batch, fresh off of exam week!

"there are too many hydrophones in the nexus [of this essay]"
"but I like the efficient usage of anteaters"
- Norton discussing an essay with a disgruntled student in a Google 
Docs sidebar

"It's a constant dance: let's get together, let's break up, let's get 
together, let's break up...just like
the sophomore class!"
- Ms. Haber on Scotland and the UK

"What? Oh, no... okay, you see in question 7 where it says 'see 
question 7'? That should read 'see question 6'. And in question 10, 
where it also says 'see question 7', you can either see question 6 
instead, or go by way of question 7. It's entirely up to you."
- Mr. Sherry, discovering while administering his linear algebra exam 
that his question numbering had gone awry

Rachel Tils: "Darren Criss's voice is like chocolate pudding."
Rachelle Flowers: "If chocolate pudding had a voice, it would be Darren 

"I was 'married' in second grade, but I told him it wasn't working 
anymore because he got me out in Cops and Robbers."
- Sarah J.

"You will miss me.  You will get a full body tattoo of my face."
"What shape is your face?"
- Mark and Asa, on the lengths Asa will go to preserve his memories of 

"it's like oh no my phone died! wanna split the wishbone with me?"
- Mark, on non-vegan cell phones

"Tanks are really no use if they don't have anti-freeze in them."
-Ms. Budding

"If you have guns and people throw rocks at you, you're going to shoot 
-Ms. Budding

As always, you can vote by responding directly to this e-mail. See 
http://www.qotw.net/voting.php for a more detailed format.
You can also subscribe to honorablementions-subscribe at qotw.net to 
receive our somewhat infrequent honorable mentions.

And remember, as fellow quote of the week recipients, we all live by 
the code: enjoy; vote; submit!

Tahmid "no Sophie, this is not propaganda! It's an honorable code which 
we all should and most likely do live by, so celebrate it!" Rahman

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