[QOTW] Quote of the Week, Fed. 29

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Sun Feb 28 01:00:50 EST 2010

Hello quoters and quotees,
I’d like to thank you for the sudden increase of submissions after Asa’s
lecture on your importance and how necessary you are for this to run
smoothly. It’s really quite nice to open your inbox and see that there are
enough quotes for three weeks worth of e-mails. Of course, this does not
mean you can take the next three weeks off. Keep submitting, and keep
voting! Our winner, of the week seems to be Mr. Riahi’s quote, "Many of you
have reached the exalted status of seniors, one foot in college, and you
still do not remember that the area of a circle is pi-r-squared." I’m not
too sure if he’ll be so proud that his physics students did so terribly
that the result was hilarious, though. So remember to submit at
http://qotw.net/submit.php, and to vote by replying to this message. The
quotes this week are:

They need to be more interesting, like: You're walking through the forest,
when suddenly BLAM! Shot with a bear! Wait...I mean by a bear.
	-Mark Swanson, on more interesting fairy tales
"You know—okay... look; you can't go through life like this!’Where's your
son?' 'OH... I left him on the playground...' "
	-Ms. Grant on a certain medieval student's forgetfulness

So sometimes you'd be translating in class and you'd miss something, and
the professor would go "no, no, they're f- they're screwing!" And then
sometimes you'd see something, and he'd be like "no no, they're just
	-Mr. Conolly on translating Aristophanes in college

"I accuse you with getting taller."
	-Mr. Davis

"Asa's too skinny to appear in pictures."
	-Eli, on Mark's failed attempt to photograph Asa

He was like a tourist attraction!"
	-Skye Elliot, on Jesus

"We recently moved from Cambridge to Jamaica Plain- the Hyde Park
neighborhood, if any of you know it. Lots of lesbians, lots of Latinos...
so we have the best Little League team around!"
	-Jarrett Barrios

"Yeah, they just couldn't stop arguing! I told them they should mud
wrestle to settle it."
	-Ms. Grant, on two arguing students in an earlier medieval class.

“‘I'm afraid you have a mild zeugma.’
‘Is it curable, doc?’
‘No, but it can be contained.’
That's what you get for fooling around with poets!”
	-Mr. Conolly

"It looks like a shark with wheels, but...it's an airplane!"
	-Ms Wasilewski

Thank you for having enough submissions such that I needed to make a
choice between them. Remember that voting is also an important part of your
weekly five-minutes-not-to-do-a-research-paper, and ends 5:00 on Friday.
Reply to this e-mail to vote, and don’t forget to submit!

--Shaul “No last name”

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