[QOTW] Quote Of The Week, April 26th

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Mon Apr 26 21:07:29 EDT 2010

Hello! I'm terribly sorry that this is coming to you day and a half late-
a research paper, as they always seem to do, took me a bit longer than
expected, and I just didn't have the time.

Now, on to this week's
business! Last week's winner is Mr. Conolly, who, in response to a student
reading that "with regard to bodily pleasures, [Alexander] enjoyed perfect
self-control", replied thusly: "Maybe after he was dead!" Such a
suspicious, dirty mind you have, Mr. Conolly. I imagine the freshmen were

I'm not sure what to say about this week's submissions. We
received (and I don't say this lightly, believe me, given our recent dearth
of submissions) twenty-three submissions this week, and for that I am
grateful. I am slightly less grateful for and much more utterly bewildered
by the New Hampshire rants (see the following Honorable Mentions email)
that clearly made some sort of sense to the involved freshmen but make next
to none to me, but I will happily take a few "What on Earth...?"s with the
(N.B.: This DOES NOT mean you do not need to submit this week! Keep
up the good work at http://www.qotw.net/submit.php )

This week's

"Actually, a lemon works even better than a potato."
cause its juicier‽"
-Mr. Paul and Robin, discussing batteries in physics

"I always over-exaggerate everything!"
-Hannah Telegen

Lookin' pretty immaculate."
-Mr. Whelan, looking for an assignment sheet to

"It's just a bunch of nerds running around on a field in weird
outfits tripping over things and trying to get balls in goals."
basically, your soccer team?"
-Skye Elliot and Lexie McIsaac on real life

"I just found the fail key. Took long enough."

"If you do not know your social security number, do not
-Ms. Walker, walking the AP takers through their

"We're going to do a problem. So your book says we are
pulling a tortoise up a ramp. It is a frictionless tortoise."
- Ms. Reyzin,
on the ridiculousness of a vector problem in the Algebra 2 textbook

'bull' is the male version of 'cow.' That's like asking if there are any
female men."
-Dan Fries, when asked if there could be male cows

Mr. Davis:
"There are many things that your parents tell you. Stop slamming the gate.
Stop torturing that grasshopper."
Shaul Vin: "Did your parents tell you to
stop torturing grasshoppers often?"
Mr. Davis: "Yes."
Ben Kaufman: "You
tortured grasshoppers, Mr. Davis?!"
Asa Goodwillie: "Ben, just a couple
weeks ago you were telling about how you'd been kicking a rabbit!"
"That wasn't me, that was Maria!"
Maria Hauser: "It's my rabbit, I can kick
it if I want to!"
Ben: "Why did you kill grasshoppers, Mr. Davis?"
"He didn't kill them! That's immoral. He just tortured them."
-Mr. Davis'
section of English 10, ganging, as we aft do, pretty damn far agley

eating the Swiss Miss! It's not for eating!"
-a guy on the Gann Ultimate

There are your quotes- now place your votes! Reply to this email with
a ranked list of your favorites. You may pick only your first or rank all
ten or do anything in between. It's up to you! More detailed instructions
(and really, it makes our jobs easier if you follow them) are available at
http://wwww.qotw.net/voting.php ).

Thanks to the New Hampshire
strangeness, we now have enough extra submissions to merit an Honorable
Mentions email, on which you'll miss out if you aren't subscribed to the
Honorable Mentions emails as well. You can subscribe by sending an email to
honorablementions-subscribe at qotw.net or at

Please, please vote and, most of all,
_submit!_ This whole QOTW business really does rest on you all helping, and
this every-other-week-we-actually-get-submissions cycle is getting a bit

Thanks, sorry again for the delay, and enjoy!
-Asa "would
really love to know the correct present participle of 'go' in 18th-century
Scots" Goodwillie

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