[QOTW] Quote of the Week, August 29

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun Aug 29 10:45:12 EDT 2004


Last week's winner was "Oh, yuck. They're just big bags of throw-up."
-Noah, age 5, on the New York Yankees. Congratulations to Noah, who
becomes the youngest ever winner of QOTW. (That I can think of, anyway.
Fact-checking at QOTW is relaxed during the summer.)

Feeling the insatiable urge to vote? Just follow the convenient directions
at http://www.qotw.net/~qotw/howtovote.html, and you too will be an active
participant in the world's greatest democracy.

To sign up for the exclusive and delightful Honorable Mentions email,
please send an email to honorablementions-subscribe at qotw.net. If you've
got a friend who's dying to get QOTW, tell him or her to send an email to
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This week's quotes (which require an unusual amount of explanation and

"Flushing Meadows--it sounds like a resort for people undergoing
colonoscopies." -Will Desmit. Flushing Meadows is the site of the US Open
tennis tournament.

"Physics, Orwell Style: Physics is the freedom to say F = ma. All else
follows." -Ben Miller. For further explanation, see George Orwell's novel
"1984" and an introductory physics textbook. (Betcha didn't think QOTW
could come with supplemental reading, did you?)

"Well, Rick, thank you for leaving me cold and disturbed on this fine
summer's night." -Jimmy, after being shown "Requiem for a Dream," a movie
about drug addicts

"Yeah, well when the police arrest me I'll tell 'em everything. I'm just
sick of it all. And you still owe me a tenner. OK, love you, bye." -Young
woman on a cell phone on a British Rail train from Manchester to

"You weren't thinking of going to museums much? What're you going to
London for--the food?" -Madam Folkman

"He's from [prestigious private high school Philips] Exeter, but it's
okay; he didn't like most of the people there." -Jeff Kaufman, on his new
college roommate

"No fever? Off to Russian Math School! It's probably the best cure for
your mono, too." -Masha's mother, to Masha

"I don't know where my future lies, though. Maybe I could go to Anime
College. Maybe I can get a PhD in DBZ." -Norris Wong. DBZ is DragonBall Z.

"Okay, I'm going to light the candles with this candle, and I won't get
any wax on the cake, because I'm going to do it the way I told Alex not
to. That's what I call my nurturing parental--ouch! Okay, that was God
punishing me for my nurturing parental--aah!" -Ms. Grant, lighting
birthday candles after warning her son Alex that he might burn himself

"The important thing to remember is that failure is a whatsit." -Helen Palmer

Voting closes at 5:00 on Friday afternoon. Good luck to all the nominees.

-Ben "plagiarism is the soul of wit" Orlin

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