[QOTW] Honorable Mentions, December 20th (THERE ARE SO MANY)

QOTW qotw at qotw.net
Tue Dec 20 22:27:39 EST 2011

"The sad thing is that public school kids act like this 'cause they're 
on drugs, but we just act like this 'cause we're Commonwealth students."
-Sam Jiang [I am having regret for not having put this in the top ten 
to be voted on...]

"I just hope they weren't porcupine concubines"

"Roderigo's speech is much classier than Iago's"
"Well, when you start at bestiality jokes, you can only go up."
-Mark and Ms. Brewster

"The wonderful thing about potatoes is that they grow in the ground, 
-Ms. Budding

Nayab (On the subject of Mattie's fencing): "Just try to be a bit more 
like God, okay?"
Mattie: "You mean, all-powerful and stuff?"
Nayab: "No, I mean, the Bible never says stuff like 'And God saw that 
what he made was complete crap, so he started over.' It's always like 
'And God saw that he had done it right the first time. And he was 
pleased about how cool he was.'Be cool like God and don't mess up!"

"Well, I can understand how that guy thought you were Italian. I mean, 
I could too, if I was far enough away. And possibly jumping around on a 
pogo stick in bad lighting behind a shower curtain."
-Eliza P, on Nayab's nationality

"It's like a bird that's stuck in a cage, and then it gets set free, 
but then it gets struck by lightening"
-Danny, on the ending of Tess of the D'Urbervilles

"But the reason I screamed was because the email was SO badly worded."
-Ms. Haber, on an email informing her that her friend was hit by a car

"Here we get to see dead Edward, otherwise known as Deadward"
-Ms. Haber

"I love Anna moss because she is da bomb...Unfortunately because of 
that, you can't bring her on an airplane."
-Celine, in an 'Anna Moss-appreciation' email

"I think panic attacks are essential to European travel."

"I need to punch something. Take that Hitler!"
-Shaul, hitting the "Hitler" book in the nook

Caleb: "Oh! It looks like that little planet with the rings on it!"
Julia: "...Do you mean Saturn?"
Caleb: "Yeah! That one!"

"It's a story about a talking dock that's married to a white woman"
-Mark "explaining" Othello: Moor of Venice

Anika: It's all Shaul's fault!
Mar: Yeah! Everything is Shaul's fault. (points to arm)
Anika: Oh no! What happened?
Mar: I smashed my arm...into Shaul's face. But it's still his fault!

"She plays the viola, I mean, the violin, I mean the cella. I mean the 
cello! See, this is how I know it's Friday."
-Eliza on what instrument someone plays

"I will see you all soon, and tell you about the wonders
of first-time parenthood (it includes high-frequency shrieking,
crying, soiled underpants, and sleepless nights ... much like MIT)."
-A fencing coach, on his new baby

Ari: "You're already so tall! Why are you wearing heels?
Nayab: "I felt like being extra-giraffic today. Oh, and I have a 
tournament later, and I want to be able to loom over all those wimpy 
Beaver chicks."

"This book is written by a man called John Archibald Wheeler. He's my 
physics hero! Everyone says Einstein is their physics hero, or Feynman 
-- he slept with his grad students' wives, blah, blah, blah. Wheeler was 
Feynman's advisor! I met him once when he was an old man, and he 
spittled all over me!"
- Ms. Cyrier, in the first meeting of her Spacetime Physics class

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