[QOTW] Honorable Mentions for September 9, 2007

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Sun Sep 9 15:59:50 EDT 2007

"I wanted to teach King Lear, but we do it in the middle of the winter,
and its so damn depressing."
-Ms. Bluestein

"So there's no chance of reading Harry Potter this year?"
-Carol Moraff, on books for English

"You can't have a picture on myspace."
"But I rubbed your feet for three minutes."
-A mother and daughter (Ellen Aronson and Grace Gulick), arguing.

"Is it bad when [the bacon is] indistinguishable from the pan?" --
Thomas Tuttle, asking his mother about the bacon he's cooking -- or
rather, burning, and a cast-iron fry pan.

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