[QOTW] QOTW Honorable Mentions, September 6

Quote of the Week qotw at qotw.net
Mon Sep 6 09:21:00 EDT 2004

"So get a G-mail account, an honor that sets you apart from the rest of
mankind and other species that know how to use computers, such as
chimpanzees (and maybe dolphins if only they had opposable thumbs)."
-Harry Alper

"It's like an acid trip." -Some guy at Cirque de Soleil

"All those failed paintings!  If only someone had thought to medicate
[Charles Merrill] properly, maybe he could've stopped with all the
geometric patterns..." -Dr. Liz Kass, Commonwealth alum, on the school's

"I think it's really important to go to the ghetto Southern
tournaments--such as all of them." -Chris, of Swarthmore's Peasley Debate
Society (Quoter's note: I do not fully understand this quote, but I
encourage you to form a mental picture of students from Swarthmore College
acting like ghetto Southerners while debating.)

"This is hate." -Graffiti on a "Do not feed the pigeons" sign in Porter

And now, a blast from the past: a bunch of quotes that should have been
nominated or honorably mentioned weeks ago, but somehow vanished into the
dense bureaucratic forests of QOTW, and have only just now re-emerged to
the daylight of civilization...

"Roswell!  Stay strong!  Don't wither and die... and please, don't resort
to drinking condensation off your own butt." -Becca Thal

"Maybe he bought his soul back with all the money he made off Titanic."
-Alex George, on Leonardo DiCaprio acting well in "Catch Me if You Can"

"Just because you're the epitome of American manhood..." -Andrew, to Joanna

"Blood straws don't kill people.  People kill people." -Natalie

"Guns don't kill people.  They kill more people!" -Kate M.

"Shooting is done for the most part on a family scale." -Ben B., on Kansan

"She went to declinic and almost immediately was debabied." -Kate M.

"I can't talk to people that... I... can't talk to." -Andrew

Coming next week: the prestigious Quote of the Summer award, and the
triumphant beginning of QOTW's fourth season!

-QOTW Management

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