<pre>Hello, faithful subscribers!
You subscribe quite well- that much is true.<br />I imagine you do a pretty great job of reading, too, though I'm not there to see you read these emails.<br />Submitting, however, is not your strongest point.<br />There, at least, I can see that there's some effort and memory required. Voting, on the other hand, requires but three things:<br />1) that you have some sort of preference between the week's submissions;<br />2) that you be capable of clicking "reply";<br />and 3) that you then type your ranking of the quotations into the reply email and send it.<br /><br />I find it hard to believe that only six of you were up to that this week. You're really missing out on a wonderful opportunity at participatory democracy, guys! It's very exciting.<br /><br /><br />Last week's winner was:<br /><br /><pre>"Whenever there's a cow, I want to talk about it. A cow is never by accident."
- Ms. Dale<br /><br />I've never thought of cows as creatures of great purpose, myself, but I guess you learn something new everyday, especially if Ms. Dale is talking about farm animals.<br /><br /><br /><br />This week's choices, of which you'll note there are only nine (hmmm, if only there were something you could do to remedy this...):<br /><br /><pre>"I exceeded my hug limit for the next ten years."<br />- Molly L., after being group-hugged<br /><br /><pre>"Raffi sang 'Baby Beluga' to me. It was magical."
- a Yale tour guide on a certain musical guest
<br />
<pre>Tricia: "I have inadvertently subsidized a shrimp assassin."
Keller: "Don't worry. It was a shrimp murderer. Shrimp aren't prominent enough for assassins."<br /><br /><pre>"Yes, that was regarded as the absolute embodiment of sonic evil. If they heard it they would have to run from the room and clean out their ears or something."
- a music professor at Mount Holyoke
<br /><pre><pre><pre>Eloise: "Clovis commanded an army when he was fifteen."
Tahmid: "I know! I'm so jealous! How come he gets the power of God on his side?"<br /><br />"You can't push that too far, because Nietszche would get angry at you, and believe me, you don't want that man angry at you. Even dead, he's dangerous."
- a philosophy professor at Mount Holyoke<br /><br /><pre><pre><pre><pre>"You're such a mammal."
- JP, commenting on Alex B.'s hot-bloodedness<br /><br />"One minute they're killing people, the next minute they're buying milk for nuns! What lovely people."
- Kate's roommate, describing a Spanish short story
<pre>"Can you sneeze in a French accent?"<br />- Mr. Davis, to some French students<br /><br /><br /><br />Do you think they're funny? If so, tell us which ones are the funniest by voting! Instructions here: http://www.qotw.net/voting.php<br />If you don't (well, regardless of whether or not you do, but especially if you don't): make next week better by submitting using this lovely little tool: http://www.qotw.net/submit.php. Please? We definitely got more submissions than this last year, and I'm sure we can get up there again.<br /><br /><br />That's it for this week, other than the obligatory plug for the Honorable Mentions list, which periodically sends out all of the not-quite-good-enough-to-make-the-regular-email submissions and to which you can subscribe by sending an email to honorablementions_subscribe@qotw.net.<br /><br /></pre>
Enjoy, and please do submit and vote.<br />- Asa "feels slightly futile, what with this weekly (well, bi-weekly, but Shaul's doing it when I'm not) begging" Goodwillie</pre>